Wednesday, December 27, 2006

So Many Books So Little Time

Well, today is one of those great, great days. A few days ago I finished the book that I was reading (it was one of two that I found interesting out of the stack of books I picked up from my friend Darren in jail...he can only have so much stuff on him at a time so occasionally I pick up books and letters that folks have sent to him). So today I get to chose which book to read next. Frankly I've never been an avid reader, it seems there are always way too many other things to do but read. Somehow I have managed to turn that pattern around this past year, thanks in part to switching from driving to riding the bus to work. The choice comes from a stack of seven that I have acquired in the past week:

#1. My Life as a 10-Year-Old Boy by Nancy Cartwright (the voice of Bart Simpson). This one was sent to me by my friend Teagen for Christmas and it intrigues me on a multitude of levels.

#2. The Motel Life by Willy Vlautin. For those of you who don't know Willy is the lead singer of the Portland band Richmond Fontaine. He was approached while on a UK tour from a publisher who wanted to put out his stories in a book fashion. Willy is an amazing songwriter (and a hottie to boot) and the book is only available (for the moment) overseas but I ordered it a month ago and it arrived last Saturday.

#3. Microserfs by Douglas Coupland. I just discovered Mr. Coupland this year. Well, of course I knew about him previously as I did work at the library for 2 and a half years and I remember him on your coffee table Greg. In fact I think I owned a copy of Generation X at one time but being that I rarely read I hadn't actually read him until this year. I completed inhaled Girlfriend in a Coma and All Families are Psychotic and was still so hungry for more. However, being that I prefer to just read books I find at the Goodwill as-is I was forced to starve until yesterday when I found this one. Can't wait.

#4. How to be Good by Nick Hornby. I've never read Nick but loved the movie High Fidelity and saw virtue in the movie About a Boy (both written by Mr. Hornby) so I'm encouraged to read this one.

#5. The Book of Liz by Amy Sedaris and David Sedaris. This is just a play that I could probably read in a day, in fact I read the first copy of pages on Saturday. I adore the Sedaris siblings and want to adopt them as my own family.

#6. Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I've seen this book referred to in personal ads for years and being that it was a central figure of desire in a John Cusack movie I figured it has to be good.

#7. Wilderness Tips by Margaret Atwood. I've actually owned a hardback copy of this book for years but haven't read it. This paperback copy I picked up at Goodwill last week and I like the feel of it better. I'm one of the types of people that has to like the look and the feel of a book to really get into it. Is everyone like this? I never got around to reading To Kill a Mockingbird until this year because I finally found a gorgeous copy that I just couldn't deny reading. I adored it by the way. Anyhow Ms. Atwood is in my top five favorite authors of all time and I've never disliked anything I've read by her so I can't go wrong.

Now I'm just left to decide which one. I suppose I'm leaning towards The Motel Life, probably because I had to wait 6 weeks to get it from London. I'm thrilled with the cover and the presentation and the illustrations. It also looks like a quick read so I'll be able to start on another very soon.

Happy, happy day.


kbeeps said...

So what did you pick? Motel Life? The Bart Simpson one sounds utterly fascinating...

The Alt Martha said...

I did choose to start with The Motel Life. It is sad as all get out but I suppose that is also part of it's charm. It was all I could do not to go to Powell's today and buy more David Sedaris books but then I reminded myself of all the books on my coffee table waiting to be read and managed to control myself.