Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Make new friends but keep the old

Generally I agree with the title of this post but not in the case of technology. I spent the greater part of my Christmas day uploading old photos from my archaic and virus ridden desktop to Flickr (to see my photos go here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/therummager/ ) so that I could finally retire it and set up my new stuff in a semi-permanent home. I was filled with nostalgia as I browsed through old photographs of animals since passed and early attempts of decorating my house. It was an appropriate way to spend a holiday I think and as I wrapped up the final cords I felt a little sad about tossing aside my old computer, the miserable printer that broke a few years ago, my pathetic little Jam Cam digital camera more suitable for five year olds now than adults, my trusty dusty scanner that despite all the other equipment never gave me any trouble at all. Hours and hours were spent in front of that computer listing auctions on eBay, searching for employment, emailing friends and answering personal ads. Now they are bound for the landfill or to be recycled or whatever home I can find for them. Farewell my old friends, you've completed your mission, your services have been outsourced, the new technology is here.


Anonymous said...

I like the updated lay out with the ATC and little bit about yourself.
The new equipment is so sleek. Don't be sad, you used your old hardware thoroughly and it's ready for a rest. I get the scanner so you're just recycling!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I made it in your photos! I am so honored. And just so everyone knows, the PEZ shrine is one of the most creative pieces of art I've ever seen - or received as a gift. And Elaine is toatlly a natural TV star - no joke! -Kath