It is kitten season. Tons of homeless four legged pure pieces of preciousness (can you tell that I'm biased) who were brought into this world accidentally and that deserve love just as much as anyone are looking for homes. Here are two for example looking for someone to open their homes to them.
I have three cats who share my home with me at this moment. It seems like a ton to some but to me it is an easy number and an easy combination. Max is 15 and pretty settled in his ways. Jingles is about 7 (humane society girl so hard to know for sure) and a pain in the butt in the best possible way. Zoey is going to be 4 in August and has turned into a lovely little girl. We all enjoy each other a lot and play together and sleep together (I know, I know...I need to get a life). Cats are my very favorite thing on earth. Consequently I always want more. Especially babies. So I have entertained adopting the two little tabbies in the pictures. In my heart I know they could fit into my life just fine and I always told myself that when I had my own house I would always have as many pets as I could house because they all deserve to have a place called home.
The reaction I get from others about this topic vary but most revolve around suggesting I don't do it, even to the extreme of telling my specifically not to do it, no questions asked. A few others (and a very few) tell me to go for it. I find it fascinating that people have such strong opinions about this. Why do folks care how many pets I have? If I'm good with it, and the pets aren't suffering isn't that all that matters? Regardless, I have decided to not adopt these lovely darlings (with the assumption that they will of course find homes with someone else...although that will be two less kittens who will get adopted from other sources). My decision was made more out of fear of being a cat lady spinster the rest of my life (why is it men have trouble with cat ladies?) than it was because it seems like too many.
So do your part. 3-4 million cats and dogs will be euthanized this year alone (and yet how many more will be brought into the world by breeders so that people may custom order their pets similar to the way they order coffee? "I'll have a female chocolate labradoodle easy on the attitude, please."). Spay and neuter, tell other people to, offer to pay for it for them if you think money is the issue, take in the stray cat in your neighborhood even if it is only long enough to get it spayed and neutered. Do something.
I don't know where the cat lady stigma started but it is bunk and anti woman! Maybe some are jealous of a bond that they don't understand. I am on the go for it team for sure! If someone adopts 5 kids people want to erect a statue to thier greatness. Why deprive your self the joy? How may things actually bring us JOY??
A man who does not dig cats is not your guy anyway (nor mine). Do what ever the heck you want!!!
I'm on the go for it team. I think you should have a mansion so you can adopt more kitties. You're the best cat mom EVER! You're cats the luckiest cats in the world. Of course Twinky's the luckiest dog in the world. :)
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