For the most part I'm pretty happy with how my house is decorated. One of the keys to budget decorating however is to make due with what you have until something better is attainable.
I don't have a fancy stereo (just a crappy old boom box that I got secondhand probably 15 years ago) and it is impossible to decorate with that thing. No matter how attractive the table or shelf that I put it on it looks like late 80's college style, which is not the look I'm going for.
Well, today I had one of those decorating epiphanies that can turn just an ordinary weekend into a fabulous weekend (don't worry, I'm just isn't THAT significant).
Anyhow, I took a $5 cabinet that I got at Goodwill, took off the door, painted it with a can of paint I got at Fred Meyer for $.03 (yes three cents) and whalah, I have a new cd/book cabinet in my living room placed where a table that I got for free once lived with my stereo on it. I'm so much happier not having that stupid boom box gathering dust now.
So, you ask...what did you do with the stereo? Isn't it just being ugly in another part of your house? Why yes, it is. Under the bed though so I don't care. Yep, under the vintage twin metal bed that I use as a day bed/couch in my living room. The controls are surprisingly easy to reach so I can still use it and now I have a technology free living room (the tv was banished to the bedroom months ago because you definitely can't decorate with a tv in a house the size of mine.
I can't believe how much cuter that cabinet is without doors. I never would have thought of that. This whole scene is just too cute.
Gorgeous. I wish I had your flare (and time :-) I'd be happy to have you decorate at our place anytime but of course you'd have to step over the Legos and fairy princess dolls to get in!
Thanks for the feedback gang. Also, my smarty pants friend Greg has informed me that "whalah" is a French word actually properly written as "voila." You gotta love having friends in high places (in this case the librarian program at U.B.C.).
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